
Texas Instruments

Series: TMS320C6413

Part Number: TMS320C6413ZTSA500


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 296-32747-ND 0 $48.84 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-S320C6413ZTSA500 44 $50.08 Buy
Win Source TMS320C6413ZTSA500 1530 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components TMS320C6413ZTSA500 33857 $47.15 Buy
Arrow North American Components TMS320C6413ZTSA500 0 $38.07 Buy
RS Components TMS320C6413ZTSA500 $44.51 Buy
Perceptive TMS320C6413ZTSA500 8300 Buy
AVNET Express TMS320C6413ZTSA500 9 $32.34 Buy
AVNET Europe TMS320C6413ZTSA500 * $44.99 Buy
Newark TMS320C6413ZTSA500 $1.00 Buy
Freelance TMS320C6414GLZ-C20 6 Buy
Texas Instruments TMS320C6413ZTSA500 1359 $45.99 Buy
Verical Marketplace TMS320C6413ZTSA500 60 $36.19 Buy

TMS320 - Digital Signal Processor, 32-Bit Size, 32-Ext Bit, 30MHz, PBGA288


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
TMS320C6000 EMIF to External Asynchronous SRAM Interface (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 08/31/2001
TMS320C6000 EMIF to External Flash Memory (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 02/13/2002
TMS320C6410/13 Power Consumption Summary Texas Instruments 09/20/2004
TMS320C64x EDMA Architecture Texas Instruments 03/03/2004
TMS320C6000 C Compiler: C Implementation of Intrinsics Texas Instruments 12/07/1999
Using IBIS Models for Timing Analysis (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 04/15/2003
TMS320C6000 McBSP: IOM-2 Interface (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 05/21/2001
TMS320C6000 Board Design: Considerations for Debug (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 04/21/2004
TMS320C6000 Multichannel Communications System Interface Texas Instruments 02/03/2000
TMS320C6000 Host Port to the i80960 Microprocessors Interface (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 08/31/2001
Use and Handling of Semiconductor Packages With ENIG Pad Finishes Texas Instruments 08/31/2004
TMS320C6000 McBSP: Interface to SPI ROM (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 06/30/2001
TMS320C6000 EMIF-to-External SDRAM Interface (Rev. E) Texas Instruments 09/04/2007
Cache Usage in High-Performance DSP Applications with the TMS320C64x Texas Instruments 12/13/2001
TMS320C64x Reference Design Texas Instruments 05/12/2004
TMS320C64x EDMA Performance Data Texas Instruments 03/05/2004
TMS320C6000 Enhanced DMA: Example Applications (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 10/24/2001
TMS320C6000 Tools: Vector Table and Boot ROM Creation (Rev. D) Texas Instruments 04/26/2004
TMS320C6413 Hardware Designer's Resource Guide (Rev. D) Texas Instruments 10/24/2005
TMS320C6000 EMIF to TMS320C6000 Host Port Interface (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 09/12/2003
TMS320C6000 Host Port to MPC860 Interface (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 06/21/2001
TMS320C64x DSP Host Port Interface (HPI) Performance Texas Instruments 10/24/2003
Using the TMS320C6000 McBSP as a High Speed Communication Port (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 08/31/2001
TMS320C6000 McBSP to Voice Band Audio Processor (VBAP) Interface (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/23/2001
TMS320C6000 u-Law and a-Law Companding with Software or the McBSP Texas Instruments 02/02/2000
TMS320C6000 McBSP as a TDM Highway (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 09/11/2000
TMS320C6000 HPI Boot Operation Texas Instruments 01/06/1999
TMS320C6000 McBSP Interface to an ST-BUS Device (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 06/04/2002
Introduction to TMS320C6000 DSP Optimization Texas Instruments 10/06/2011
Thermal Considerations for the DM64xx, DM64x, and C6000 Devices Texas Instruments 05/20/2007

Evaluation Kits

Title Type Part number
XDS560™ software v2 system trace USB debug probe Debug probe TMDSEMU560V2STM-U
XDS560v2 System Trace USB & Ethernet Debug Probe Debug probe TMDSEMU560V2STM-UE