Texas Instruments

Series: BQ27510

Part Number: BQ27510DRZTG4


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 2156-BQ27510DRZT-ND 250 $8.83 Buy
DigiKey 296-BQ27510EVM-ND 3 $118.80 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-BQ27510EVM 2 $131.01 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-BQ27510DRZTG4 0 $4.73 Buy
Newark BQ27500EVM $1.00 Buy
element14 APAC BQ27500EVM * $151.32 Buy
Win Source BQ27510DRZTG4 7800 Buy
AVNET Express BQ27510DRZTG4 $2.49 Buy
Farnell BQ27500EVM * $106.42 Buy
AVNET Express BQ27510EVM $116.82 Buy
Farnell BQ27510EVM 1 * $123.58 Buy
Newark BQ27510EVM 1 $132.19 Buy
element14 APAC BQ27510EVM 1 * $139.20 Buy
Texas Instruments BQ27510EVM 6 $99.00 Buy
Texas Instruments BQ27500EVM 164 $99.00 Buy

Fuel Gauge Li-Ion Pack 12-Pin VSON EP T/R


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
Single Cell Gas Gauge Circuit Design Texas Instruments 02/22/2008
How to Do Calibration and Create Golden DFI for Host Side Gas Gauge Texas Instruments 09/01/2011
Using I2C Communication With the bq275xx Series of Fuel Gauges (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 05/15/2014
Thermistor Selection Guide for Texas Instruments Advanced Fuel Gauges Texas Instruments 09/28/2011
Theory and Implementation of Impedance Track Battery Fuel-Gauging Algorithm Texas Instruments 01/31/2008
Single Cell Impedance Track Printed-Circuit Board Layout Texas Instruments 02/22/2008
bq27510 to bq27510-G1 Change List Texas Instruments 05/10/2010
Feature Set Comparison of bq27x00, bq27x10, bq27500, and bq27510 (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 12/02/2008
Impedance Track Fuel Gauge Accuracy Test for GSM Phone Applications Texas Instruments 03/21/2008
Selecting an Impedance Track Gas Gauge for Li-Ion Single Cell Applications Texas Instruments 04/10/2012
Going to Production With the bq275xx (Rev. F) Texas Instruments 10/09/2014
MSP430 Microcontroller SW for Handheld Fuel Gauges and Battery Authentication (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 05/26/2010
WinCE/Linux Drivers for bq275xx Fuel Gauge Texas Instruments 03/17/2011
How to Generate Golden Image for Single-Cell Impedance Track(TM) Devices Texas Instruments 01/07/2010
Updating bq275xx Firmware at Production (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 02/21/2011
Updating Firmware with the bq2750x and EVM (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/22/2008
Host-Side Gas-Gauge-System Design Considerations for Single-Cell Handheld Apps Texas Instruments 10/12/2007
Single Cell Gas Gauge Application Book Texas Instruments 07/28/2008
Improving Battery Safety, Charging, and Fuel Gauging in Portable Media Apps Texas Instruments 03/11/2009
Going to Production With the bq275xx (Rev. E) Texas Instruments 01/20/2012

Evaluation Kits