USB Keyboard Using MSP430 Microcontrollers

Texas Instruments

Published Date: 12/20/2011


This application report describes a low-cost highly-flexible composite USB keyboard implementation based on MSP430F5xx/MSP430F6xx families. Schematics and software are included allowing for an easy implementation and customization.The document explains basic necessary concepts but familiarity with the MSP430™ USB Developers Package (MSP430USBDEVPACK) and USB HID specification is assumed.


Part Number Name Companion Part
MSP430F5503IRGZR MSP430F5503IRGZR Buy Datasheet
MSP430F5505IRGZR MSP430F5505IRGZR Buy Datasheet
XMS430F5510IRGCR XMS430F5510IRGCR Buy Datasheet