Interfacing the TMS320C54x DSP to the TLC320AD535 /545 Codecs

Texas Instruments

Published Date: 02/18/2000


This application report presents a method for interfacing the TLC320AD535 and TLC320AD545 codecs from Texas Instruments (TI)(tm) with the multichannel buffered serial port (McBSP) on TI's C54xx family of digital signal processors (DSPs). As is the case with many codecs from TI these devices utilize a primary and secondary communication protocol to differentiate between actual signal data and code


Part Number Name Companion Part
TLC320AD535IPM TLC320AD535IPM Buy Datasheet
TLC320AD535PM TLC320AD535PM Buy Datasheet
TLC320AD545PTR TLC320AD545PTR Buy Datasheet
TMS320C54X32GHH035 TMS320C54X32GHH035 Buy Datasheet