AN4997: PolarFire FPGA Building a Mi-V Processor Subsystem Application Note (Earlier TU0775)

Microchip Technology Inc.

Published Date: 21-June-2023


Microchip offers the Mi-V processor IP and software toolchain free of cost to develop RISC-V processor-based designs. RISC-V, a standard open Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) under the governance of the RISC-V foundation, offers numerous benefits, which include enabling the open source community to test and improve cores at a faster pace than closed ISAs.

PolarFire FPGAs support Mi-V soft processors to run user applications. The objective of the application notes is to build a Mi-V processor subsystem that can execute an application from the designated fabric RAMs initialised from the sNVM/SPI Flash. The application notes also describe how to build a RISC-V application using SoftConsole and run it on a PolarFire Evaluation Board.