

Part Number: HiKey970


HiKey970 is one of the world‘s first edge AI development platforms with a dedicated Neural-network Processing Unit (NPU). HiKey970 provides frequently used artificial intelligence function APIsmodel management APIs and basic operator computing APIs, to make developers can focus on developing new AI applications instead of focusing on performance tuning.

With HiKey970’s dedicated AI processor and rich set of imaging and I/Os, HiKey970 enables developers to build highly integrated flexible products for AI-based intelligent cameras in smart cities. With powerful NPU and HiAI SDK on HiKey970 makes it easy for developers to transform video into valuable insights.

With HiKey970’s excellent AI capabilities and ROS, HiKey970 enables developers to build a robot which can perception, planning, decision autonomously. Even the robots can fight with each other automatically by deep reinforcement learning based decision making. With powerful NPU on HiKey970 makes a robot to demonstrate a certain level of intelligence.


  • Huawei HiAI SDK
  • Up to 25X Performance 50X Power Efficiency
  • Dedicated Neural-network Processing Unit (NPU)
  • Heterogeneous Resource Management
