Texas Instruments

Series: MSP430F5247

Part Number: MSP430F5247IRGCR


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 296-43088-6-ND 9872 $5.01 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-MSP430F5247IRGCR 1890 $5.01 Buy
AVNET Europe MSP430F5247IRGCR * $2.69 Buy
Win Source MSP430F5247IRGCR 2000 $4.21 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components MSP430F5247IRGCR 26179 $5.88 Buy
Verical Marketplace MSP430F5247IRGCR 16000 $2.16 Buy
AVNET Express MSP430F5247IRGCR $2.28 Buy
Newark MSP430F5247IRGCR $2.09 Buy
AVNET Asia Pacific MSP430F5247IRGCR $2.37 Buy
Texas Instruments MSP430F5247IRGCR 6450 $3.52 Buy
Arrow North American Components MSP430F5247IRGCR 0 $0.00 Buy

MCU 16-Bit MSP430 RISC 64KB Flash 3.3V 64-Pin VQFN EP T/R


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
MSP430x5xx Overview Comparison to MSP430x2xx and MSP430x4xx Texas Instruments 06/05/2008
MSP430x5xx Quick Start Guide Texas Instruments 06/05/2008
Heart-Rate Monitor with Micrium uC/OS-II Kernel on the MSP430F5438A Experimenter Texas Instruments 07/05/2012
Efficient MSP430 Code Synthesis for an FIR Filter Texas Instruments 03/29/2007
Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) Using MSP430 Value Line (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 10/18/2012
Nine-Axis Sensor Fusion Using Direction Cosine Matrix Algorithm on MSP430F5xx (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 02/13/2012
MSP Code Protection Features Texas Instruments 12/07/2015
1.8V ? 5.5V Input, High-Efficiency DCDC Converter Reference Design for MSP430 (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 06/14/2010
Design Considerations When Using the MSP430 Graphics Library Texas Instruments 10/05/2012
Digital Fan Control With Tachometer Using MSP430 Texas Instruments 11/10/2005
AES128 ? A C Implementation for Encryption and Decryption (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 03/17/2009
Interfacing the 3-V MSP430 to 5-V Circuits Texas Instruments 10/01/2002
ESD Diode Current Specification Texas Instruments 12/07/2015
Implementing An Ultralow-Power Keypad Interface with MSP430 Texas Instruments 02/20/2002
Boost DC/DC with Ultra-Low Shutdown Current (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 06/14/2010
Li-Ion Battery Charger solution using the MSP430 Texas Instruments 12/31/2005
MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 04/09/2009
General Oversampling of MSP ADCs for Higher Resolution (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 04/01/2016
MSP430 32-kHz Crystal Oscillators (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 06/29/2016

Evaluation Kits

Title Type Part number
MSP-TS430RGC64C - 64-pin Target Development Board for MSP430F5x MCUs Development kit MSP-TS430RGC64C
MSP-GANG JTAG Emulators/ Analyzers MSP-GANG
MSP-FET430U64C Development Kits MSP-FET430U64C