Texas Instruments

Series: CC430F6147

Part Number: CC430F6147IRGCT


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 296-CC430F6147IRGDKR-ND 2977 $9.02 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-CC430F6147IRGCT 0 $6.16 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components CC430F6147IRGCT 3467 $8.04 Buy
Texas Instruments CC430F6147IRGCT 500 $6.85 Buy
Arrow North American Components CC430F6147IRGCT 0 $7.05 Buy
AVNET Europe CC430F6147IRGCT * $4.62 Buy
AVNET Express CC430F6147IRGCT 2000 $4.38 Buy

CC430F6147 - SoC With RF Core


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
DN000 - Design Note Overview (Rev. T) Texas Instruments 10/12/2011
AN003 -- SRD Antennas Texas Instruments 02/01/2006
DN033 - Mitsubishi Ceramic Antenna for 868 MHz, 915 MHz & 955 (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 09/14/2010
AN050 -- Using the CC1101 in the European 868MHz SRD band (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 09/11/2009
Designing With MSP430 and Segment LCDs (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/20/2015
DN022 -- CC110x CC111x OOK ASK Register Settings (Rev. E) Texas Instruments 03/08/2012
DN018 -- Range Measurements in an Open Field Environment (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 04/15/2008
DN508 -- Frequency Scanning using CC430Fx, CC110x, and CC111xFx Texas Instruments 01/25/2010
CC430-Based Wireless Mesh Network Mains Switch Texas Instruments 05/20/2011
DN507 -- FEC Decoding Texas Instruments 03/21/2019
CC430 RF Examples (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 09/07/2012
AN058 -- Antenna Selection Guide (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 10/06/2010
MSP Code Protection Features Texas Instruments 12/07/2015
AN088 -- SimpliciTI on the CC430 ? Practical Modifications Texas Instruments 03/10/2010
AN072 -- Using the TAI-SAW TA0801A SAW Filter and External PA (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 08/19/2009
DN032 -- Options for Cost Optimized CC11xx Matching Texas Instruments 08/25/2010
DN024 -- 868 MHz, 915 MHz and 955 MHz Monopole PCB Antenna (Rev. E) Texas Instruments 02/22/2013
Design Considerations When Using the MSP430 Graphics Library Texas Instruments 10/05/2012
DN502 -- CRC Implementation (Rev. D) Texas Instruments 10/27/2009
DN005 -- CC11xx Sensitivity versus Frequency Offset and Crystal Accuracy (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 08/20/2009
DN016 -- Compact Antenna Solution for 868/915 MHz (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 08/20/2009
DN002 -- Practical Sensitivity Testing Texas Instruments 12/20/2006
ESD Diode Current Specification Texas Instruments 12/07/2015
AN001 -- SRD regulations for license free transceiver operation Texas Instruments 02/01/2006
DN035 -- Antenna Quick Guide (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 02/12/2013
DN023 -- 868 MHz, 915 MHz and 955 MHz Inverted F Antenna (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 08/30/2011
DN031 -- CC-Antenna-DK Documentation and Antenna Measurements Summary Texas Instruments 08/26/2010
Using a DC-DC Converter to Reduce Power (Current) Consumption In CC430 Systems Texas Instruments 07/05/2011
DN019 -- Powering Low-Power RF Products (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 09/18/2009
CC430 Wake-On-Radio Functionality (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/10/2012

Evaluation Kits

Title Type Part number
MSP-GANG JTAG Emulators/ Analyzers MSP-GANG
MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ Evaluation Modules & Boards MSP-SA430-SUB1GHZ