Texas Instruments

Series: BQ20Z90

Part Number: BQ20Z90DBT


Distributor SKU Stock Cost
DigiKey 2156-BQ20Z90DBTV110-ND 120 $11.24 Buy
Mouser Electronics 595-BQ20Z90DBT 0 $11.41 Buy
Quarktwin Electronic Components BQ20Z90DBT 5284 $10.12 Buy
Win Source BQ20Z90DBT 9800 Buy
Texas Instruments BQ20Z90DBT 13525 $9.29 Buy
Verical Marketplace BQ20Z90DBT 840 $6.70 Buy
AVNET Express BQ20Z90DBT 164 $7.47 Buy
AVNET Europe BQ20Z90DBT * $8.31 Buy
Arrow North American Components BQ20Z90DBT 0 $9.70 Buy

BQ20Z90 - SBS 1.1 Compliant Gas Gauge


Application Notes

Title Manufacturer Published
Cell balancing buys extra run time and battery life Texas Instruments 03/11/2009
bq20z70, bq20z75, bq20z90, and bq20z95 Voltage Current & Measurement Accuracy Texas Instruments 03/18/2008
Q1 2009 Issue Analog Applications Journal Texas Instruments 03/11/2009
bq20z90-V110 to bq20z90-V150 Change List Texas Instruments 01/11/2008
Cell-type Specific Settings for Cell Imbalance Permanent Failure Thresholds Texas Instruments 09/28/2007
Thermistor Selection Guide for Texas Instruments Advanced Fuel Gauges Texas Instruments 09/28/2011
Evaluation 1: Impedance Track Gas Gauge for Novice ? bq20z70/z90 Texas Instruments 10/09/2006
Configuring the bq20z90 Data Flash Texas Instruments 12/20/2006
Production 2: Data Flash Programming/Calibrating the bq20z80 Gas Gauges (Rev. B) (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 01/12/2010
bq20z70/90 Printed-Circuit Board Layout Guide Texas Instruments 08/02/2006
Operating Fuel Gauge bq20z7x/8x/9x and SMBus-Like bq24745/47/65 Chargers Texas Instruments 10/06/2009
Information to Provide When Reporting Issues With TI Gauges Texas Instruments 07/18/2008
Cell Balancing Using the bq20zxx (Rev. C) Texas Instruments 01/12/2011
Data Flash Programming Using the EV Software (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 07/27/2009
Exploring the bq20z70/90 Impedance Track(TM) Evaluation Kit Texas Instruments 11/27/2006
Updating Firmware With the bq20zxx and EVM (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 11/07/2006
bq20z80 EVM Data Flash Settings for Num of Serial Cells/Pack Cap (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 11/06/2006
Data Flash Programing and Calibrating the bq20zxx Family of Gas Gauges (Rev. E) Texas Instruments 09/14/2013
Pack Assembly and the bq20zxx (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 11/07/2006
Thermistor Coefficient Calculator for TI Advanced Fuel Gauges Texas Instruments 10/04/2006
bq20z90 (v1.10) Change List Texas Instruments 10/18/2006
Evaluation 7: Preparing Optimized Data Flash Constants (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 12/04/2006
Design 2: Avoiding ESD and EMI Problems in bq20zxx Battery Pack Electronics Texas Instruments 11/11/2005
Design 4: Support of Multiple Li-Ion Chemistries w/Impedance Track(TM) Gas Gauge (Rev. R) Texas Instruments 10/15/2009
Battery Pack Production Flow With bq20zXX Texas Instruments 08/02/2006
bq20z70 and bq20z90 Application Book Texas Instruments 12/13/2006
Quick-Start Guide for bq20zxx Family Gas Gauges (Rev. A) Texas Instruments 09/04/2007
Evaluation 3: Theory/Implementation Impedance Track Battery Fuel-Gauging Algo Texas Instruments 11/25/2005
Evaluation 3: Theory/Implementation Impedance Track Battery Fuel-Gauging Algo (Rev. B) Texas Instruments 12/20/2006
bq20z70/90 Gas Gauge Circuit Design Texas Instruments 08/23/2006

Evaluation Kits

Title Type Part number
BQMTESTER Multi Channel Test and Program Board Evaluation board BQMTESTER
Single Channel Tester Evaluation Modules & Boards BQTESTER
BQ20Z90EVM-001 Evaluation Modules & Boards BQ20Z90EVM-001